Friday, August 10, 2018

Really?? I'm not that old... Right??

I was doing some touch-up painting this evening in Luke's bedroom with a big roller brush when my youngest stepson, Max, walked in... This is how our conversation went...

Max: What are you doing Jennifer?

me: Oh,... nothin... just drawing. 😊

Max: DRAWING??? 😂😂
Max: When do we get the new floor put in?

me: When do you go back to school?

Max: Wednesday. 

me: That's when we get the new floor put in. The day you all go back to school.

Max: I've heard 4th grade is easier than 3rd grade. 

me: 😳(slight change of topics there) Oh really, where did you hear that from?

Max: My friends mom is a teacher. She says 4th grade is easier than 3rd grade. 

me: Well, when I was your age, I thought 4th grade was really hard!

Max: Well, that was a long time ago. Maybe things have changed since then. 

me: 😝😝😝😝

1 comment:

  1. You better have a thick skin for raising kids. They are no-holds-barred. :) Also, in general, even numbered grades are easier than odd numbered grades - so he's right! (but that's no excuse to slack off!)
